Town Council

Supported Groups and Initiatives

Beautification Efforts & Town Centre

Town Council is actively engaged in the beautification of the community through a number of projects. Council has been active in the creation of green spaces throughout the community. Three spaces have been completed in Saunders Cove, Glovertown Central, and on the South Shore. Council continues to examine potential site for Green Space development.

Town Council has been dedicated to improving the look of our community in public areas as well as on our properties. Numerous planters have been purchased to brighten up our signage areas, and staff work hard to beautify the entrance to Ken Diamond Memorial Park and our Town Hall. Council and the Economic Development Officer have engaged local business in this project, to challenge them to keep their sites tidy and looking good.

Council is working towards a partnership with government and local businesses to develop a Town Centre, a connected group of public areas and community assets. The goal is to integrate central areas in Glovertown and improve accessibility for residents and visitors alike.

Tidy Towns

Further to the Town beautification efforts, the Town of Glovertown is actively involved in the Municipalities NL Tidy Towns Competition. Glovertown is a beautiful community featuring stunning sights. The natural environment is complimented by the work done by staff and residents to ensure that everyone plays a role in keeping our community clean.

Glovertown was awarded with 1st place in their category for 2012. Judges gushed about how our small but picturesque community were in tune with preserving public access to the natural environment, and how local infrastructure, including our trails and recreation grounds, were kept in the finest of shape. Our community will continue to be active in the Tidy Towns Project for the near future.

Glovertown Fire & Rescue

Glovertown Fire & Rescue provides emergency fire service to the communities of Glovertown, Traytown and Cull’s Harbour, as well as providing vehicle extraction response (Jaws of Life) service to those communities as well as Charlottetown, Terra Nova and Gambo. The volunteer membership are supported and administered through the Town Office. The group meets regularly for planning and discussion, and engages in training exercises at the updated training grounds located in the community. Our Fire Department has developed partnerships within the community, that have allowed them to procure a brand fire truck this Past December.

Glovertown Events Committee

The Glovertown Events Committee works with the Town of Glovertown to promote participation by the public in all events and festivals in the Town and to plan and develop future events.