
Business and Industry in Glovertown

The business environment in Glovertown is very strong for a town of its size. In a community of about 2000 people, there are over fifty businesses in operation. Many of them are independently owned and operated by hard-working entrepreneurs.

Big industry also exists in Glovertown. Manufacturing is a business activity with deep roots in the community, going back to the days of wooden boat building in the early 1900’s. That tradition of vessel construction continues with two major boat fabricators in the community. This industry is filled with innovation and high quality work from a locally-based, dedicated workforce. Glovertown’s boat building sector is a major player on the provincial stage, and strives to expand further.

Glovertown’s location is a competitive advantage for firms seeking to operate through the Central Region and the province. The community is very close to the Trans-Canada Highway and not far from several major urban centers and large industry installations on the Burin Peninsula and in Long Harbour.

In this section you can find information on owning a business in our town, commercial operations that can service and complement your business, support and resources provided by the municipality, as well an inside look at some of the major achievers in the business community.

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